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长城 > 长城132记忆Greatwall 132 Memory

长城132记忆Greatwall 132 Memory

Greatwall 132 Memory

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长城132记忆Greatwall 132 Memory

长城(132记忆)Greatwall 132 Memory工 艺:全叶手卷 环 径:50长 度: 124mm规 格:25支纸盒装 产 地 : 中国什邡

  • 长城(132记忆)Greatwall 132 Memory

  • 工 艺:全叶手卷                                                                       

  • 环 径:50

  • 长 度:  124mm

  • 规  格:25支纸盒装 

  • 产  地 :  中国什邡

  • 茄衣平整,颜色深棕色。闻上去有长城特有的那种腌制的陈香(不知道怎么形容,像是腌制的什么)感觉比红色132应该要浓郁一些。

  • 开火!前段,烟气清淡,花蜜香很清晰,甜感非常明显,口感很薄,回甘是一股烤地瓜的味道。雪茄燃烧的香气是很明显的木香有点蒙特燃烧时的味道。除了吃味太轻,其它的很不错。下灰之前的几口,味道开始变浓,烤坚果的香气配着甜甜的口感,很不错。

  • 中段下灰,烟气比前段明显浓郁,还是一股蜜香,只是大口的时候会闻到马粪味(这让我想起了土炮),频率慢点就没有,估计里面有什邡的叶子吧!口感依旧是比较甜,过鼻不刺激,还是烤地瓜的味道。吃味上比第一段厚实了很多,像是吃那种烤蜜薯的感觉。这一段只是味道增强了一些,基本没变化。强度依旧不高,中等偏下。

  • 尾段,强度依旧不高,焦油堆积有些辣感,味道依旧没什么变化,有点腻。

  • 总结,这款132记忆烟气强度不高,花蜜香的感觉还不错,口感清甜但吃味太拉低分数了,尤其是那一口像土炮的味道让我有点心有余悸,但客观的说,土炮是甜中带着臭和苦辣,毫无香气可言。这支是甜中带香,如果没抽过土炮的人,应该不会讨厌这个味道。在我看来他不如盛世V的平衡做得好,更比不上红色132(别看小,调整好味道很不错,下次写一篇)。看价位和评价,它应该够不着揽胜三和奇迹,更别说秘制和国礼了。

  • 比较鸡肋的一款,性价比一般。

  • Great Wall 132 memory

  • Length 124

  • Ring diameter 50

  • The eggplant is smooth and dark brown in color. It smells like the special pickled Chen Xiang of the Great Wall (I don't know how to describe it, like pickled something). It should be stronger than red 132.

  • FireStarter! In the front section, the smoke is light, the nectar fragrance is very clear, the sweet feeling is very obvious, and the taste is very thin. The sweet return is a taste of roasted sweet potato. The aroma of cigar burning is very obvious. The wood aroma is a little like that of Monte burning. Except for the light taste, the others are very good. A few mouthfuls before the ash, the taste began to thicken. The aroma of roasted nuts matched the sweet taste, which was very good.

  • The middle section is gray, and the smoke is significantly richer than the previous section. It is still a sweet smell of honey, but when you take a big bite, you will smell horse dung (which reminds me of earth cannon). If you slow down, you won't. It is estimated that there are Shifang leaves in it! The taste is still sweet. It doesn't stimulate the nose. It still tastes like roasted sweet potato. The taste is much thicker than the first paragraph, like the feeling of eating baked sweet potato. This section is just a little stronger in taste, but basically unchanged. The strength is still not high, medium to low.

  • At the end, the intensity is still not high, the tar accumulation is somewhat spicy, and the taste is still unchanged, a little greasy.

  • In conclusion, the smoke intensity of this 132 memory is not high, and the smell of nectar is not bad. The taste is sweet but the taste is too low. In particular, the taste like the taste of clay cannon makes me a little afraid. But objectively speaking, the clay cannon is sweet, smelly, bitter and spicy, and has no aroma. This one is sweet and fragrant. If you haven't smoked clay cannon, you won't hate the taste. In my opinion, he is not as good as the balance of Shengshi V, nor as good as red 132 (although it is small, it tastes good after adjustment. Write an article next time). Judging from the price and evaluation, it should not reach the range rover III and the miracle, let alone the secret system and national ceremony.

  • Compared with chicken ribs, the price performance ratio is average.



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